“(I) was quite impressed with the expertise with which Mr. Ferro’s firm handled the matter…. the case was settled prior to a verdict with a settlement that far exceeded any offer made by the carrier prior to the trial.” Read more

When our law firm was faced with a civil litigation matter that was not within our field of specialty, we turned to Ferro, Kuba, Mangano, Sklyar, P.C.

Mr. Ferro’s office maintained an open line of communication with our office throughout the pendency of the matter. After a lengthy discovery process as well as various motions, the case required a trial. I personally attended the trial dates to observe the actual litigation and was quite impressed with the expertise with which Mr. Ferro’s firm handled the matter. Ultimately, the case was settled prior to a verdict with a settlement that far exceeded any offer made by the carrier prior to the trial. As a result of the successful outcome of the litigation, our office feels very confident with Ferro, Kuba, Mangano, Sklyar, P.C., handling any type of litigation matter they may face.

– Steven Goldsmith- Goldsmith & Tortora, Commack, NY

“(In a case that) involved Labor Law 240 and 241(6). FKMS took an early summary judgment on liability, and a significant seven-figure verdict in conservative Suffolk County. They fended off motion after motion, and appeal upon appeal, and ultimately, resolved another case for huge numbers that started off at trial as a ‘no pay’.” Read more

If you need trial counsel for a personal injury case, I strongly encourage you to contact William Ferro at Ferro, Kuba, Mangano, Sklyar P.C. … our firm has retained FKMS on a great number of cases. Mr. Ferro is not only an excellent lawyer, but he is a class act who pays fair referral fees and will keep you in the decision-making process every step of the way.

There are two cases that stick out in my mind when I think about what FKMS can help you achieve. One case was a trip and fall with dreadful lifelong injuries, but very difficult liability. Kenneth Mangano, one of the partners at FKMS, tried the case for weeks up against a “no pay” situation. At every stage of the trial, the defendant saw that Ken was presenting a strong case, and they came off the “no pay” position. By the time the jury received the case, Ken and William were ale to negotiate a high seven figure settlement. Our client was overwhelmingly satisfied and we received a substantial legal fee that I don’t believe we could have received without Ken and William on the case.

The other case involved Labor Law 240 and 241(6). FKMS took an early summary judgment on liability, and a significant seven figure verdict in the conservative Suffolk County. They fended off motion after motion, and appeal upon appeal, and ultimately, resolved another case for huge numbers that started off at trial as a “no pay”.

The honor and work ethic of this firm is amongst the best we have seen. If you have a personal injury case in New York, and you are looking for great trial counsel, know you will be in good hands with FKMS.

– Steven D. Gacovino, Gacovino Lake, Sayville, NY